'before sunrise' celine and jesse had a chance meeting with the promise to meet in six months in vienna when they got their lives in order. nine years later 'before sunset' we learn that jesse showed up but celine did not due to a death in her family. but the connection was still there although jesse had married and had a son. would he stay with celine and leave his wife? we find the answer to that still another nine years later 'before midnight'
within this trilogy we go from romantic interlude to the ups and downs of a marriage. each film shows the growth of these two characters and their aging as well. ms delby and mr hawke grow in each film not only in character but in their acting. they triumph in this well written and directed film. it's tougher than the first two installments but life does get tougher as we get older, look back at our choices and wonder what the future will bring.
although it stands on it's own i recommend that you rent the first two installments to fully appreciate the third.
i hope being released early that it does not get lost at year's end. as of this moment it is the best film of the year.