i'm one of those who believe michael jackson was given too much air time after his death. untimely death? i think not. we all die a little death everyday. michael just pushed his along as so many celebrities before him have done. as a white guy i have heard it insinuated that my opposition to this prolonged memorial, of almost a week in length , makes me a bigot. i take great exception to this. i am far from a bigot. i just don't believe in canonization especially of a man whose past is to say the least pretty shady. otherwise he was an entertainer. period. he in no way deserves the idolatry respected broadcasts and broadcasters bestowed on him. damn we don't even mention the dead and dying in two wars america is involved in at all. does mr. jackson deserve more than these men and women? you are on your own here. an entertainerthat's all he was! and as i write this i question why i am giving this so much time and space. i suppose i got caught up in watching that accident on the highway. it's horrific but you can't take your eyes off of it. shame on us. greater shame on me.
today's memorial which was dignified and probably deserved would have been plenty. but for msnbc and other cable news outlets to devote the time he got in his death was absurd. i mean he made music. that's all! well that's not all but i will refrain.
there were highlights today: germaine jackson singing 'smile' brought a tear or two to my eyes while jennifer hudson thrilled as her voice soared...
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the most touching moments for me were when his daughter paris spoke of her love for her father and brooke shields touching and often funny memories. paris jackson gave me pause because she reminded me that he was for her just a dad. that is good enough for today.
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michael i hope you have more peace in death than you had in life no matter what race you turn out to be.
sadly this is what he selfishly, yes selfishly, leaves behind. you don't have three kids and abuse drugs and probably more the way he did. selfish! and dumb...just plain dumb. i best stop now because i'm getting angry and it just ain't worth it.

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