Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Countdown To The Oscars: Today The Best Supporting Actor Nominees

The winner will be Heath Ledger. I really don't believe the premature death of an actor should make you the winner. Heath was great and i grant that. But had Heath lived this race would not be a done deal. There would be a RACE.

The Oscar should go to Michael Shannon the crazy man who who the sanest man in a world of so called sane people who were totally crazy. Despite Kate and Leo he gave the best performance in 'Revolutionary Road' which was no small feat.

So the winner is Heath Ledger .

The winner should be Michael Shannon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Countdown To The Oscars: Today The Best Director Nominees

The countdown is here
So today I make my pick for Best Director.

The Oscar should and will go to Danny Boyle.

He just created a film of joy and eye filling pleasures on the smallest budget of all these nominees. He directed a cast of thousands in a new way. A real way. Not the Cecil B. DeMille way. From the leads and the kids who played them as children he got real performances. Only Robert Mulligan's direction of kids has been able to do this so naturally until Danny Boyle.

I am not going along with the crowd here. I never do. This year the crowd happens to agree with me and not vice versa. Danny Boyle is and will be Best Director come Sunday night.

(Tomorrow Best Supporting Actor)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

'Frozen River'

I've always enjoyed Melissa Leo's work starting with 'Homicide: Life on the Streets'.
Her performance here is certainly Oscar worthy.

The film itself taught me something. It took me to a place I did not know existed. It introduced me to people I only heard about in passing. Therefore, I say it is a wonderful film. Worth a watch.

'The Visitor'

Caught up with this nominee on DVD. It is certainly worth a watch. One of those small but surprising films.
Richard Jenkins in a quiet role gives an Oscar worthy performance here.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Nominees: The Glamour Shots*

*courtesy of entertainment weekly

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oscar Winners 10-25-50-75 Years Ago

10 Years ago:

25 Years ago:

50 Years ago:

75 Years ago:

'Vicky Chistina Barcelona'

Finally caught up with this on DVD. Not being a big Woody Allan fan I must admit he is great directing actresses. Especially his new muse Scarlett Johansen.

Penelope Cruz certainly deserves her supporting nod and there is no argument from me if she wins. I'll tell you the Supporting Actress category this year is full of great performances making it a tough choice to make a final decision. But I will.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

OSCARless To Date

Here are a handful of OSCARless actors. There are others of course but these are, were, most deserving.
Some for the obvious reason will never win.

Hopefully one of these will leave this illustrious group on February 22nd.

I wonder who I mean?!?

Monday, February 9, 2009


Kate, 'Slumdog' and Penelope Get BAFTA Awards

Best film
Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire - Danny Boyle

Leading Actor
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler

Leading Actress
Kate Winslet - The Reader

Supporting Actor
Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight

Supporting Actress
Penélope Cruz - Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Original Screenplay
In Bruges - Martin McDonagh

Adapted Screenplay
Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy

Animated Film
Slumdog Millionaire - A. R. Rahman

Slumdog Millionaire - Anthony Dod Mantle

Slumdog Millionaire - Chris Dickens

Production Design
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Donald Graham Burt / Victor J. Zolfo

Costume Design
The Duchess - Michael O'Connor

Make Up & Hair
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Jean Black / Colleen Callaghan

Slumdog Millionaire - Glenn Freemantle / Resul Pookutty / Richard Pryke / Tom Sayers / Ian Tapp

Special Visual Effects
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Eric Barba / Craig Barron / Nathan McGuinness / Edson Williams

''What If'' Kate Finally Won?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oscar Posters Revisited

Best Picture Winners 1980's

Keith's Special Comment On Darth Vader

Saturday, February 7, 2009

'Far From The Madding Crowd'

Warner Brothers finally released this Julie Christie film a spectacle of exploding passions.
The luminous Julie is reunited with director John Schlesinger and screenplay writer Frederic Raphael of 'Darling' fame.
Her costars are Terence Stamp, Alan Bates and Peter Finch. That's a menage to die for.
Now if only they'd release 'The Go-Between' a much better film that is truly a classic.

Julie at the London premiere:


It appears I spoke to soon. 'Frost/Nixon' is the weak link in the Best Picture and Director Oscar nominations.
It is a cold look at the most disgraceful presidency ever in American history.
This is a movie that would have been a natural for HBO not a theatrical release
Just a frosty look at a cold man. No new insight. No nothing!
'Revolutionary Road', 'The Dark Knight', 'Mamma Mia' or 'The Duchess' should have been in the fifth spot.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


With only one nominee for Best Picture yet to see I can happily say this year the Academy seems to have gotten it right.

'Milk' is just great.
It has an amazing supporting cast headed by Sean Penn in his most amazing performance to date. Like Kate Winslet he just keeps getting better. Here he performs in a way we have never seen him before. Understated, controlled and in complete grasp of the character and his performance.

I just do not get the supporting nomination of Josh Brolin over James Franco. A minor quibble I guess.
With one to go, 'Frost/Nixon', I can only say any of the four already blogged and reviewed could win and should win with no quibbling on my part. So far I say give them all an Oscar. Never happen!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

'Brideshead Revisited'

Caught up with this 2008 film on DVD. It was released in July and got lost in the midst of the summer movies. I guess Miramax didn't have enough faith in it to hold to the fall blitz of more serious film. I t should have been held up. I t is not a great film but it isn't bad either. Having never seen the BBC adaptation it was new for me. Good story. Very British. Worth a look.

Emma Thompson is always a welcome presence in any film and plays the matriarch of Brideshead beautifully.