Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Papacy Has Seen Better Days: Papists Surrender

The Vatican has blocked the appointment of Caroline Kennedy as US ambassador!

Vatican sources told Il Giornale that their support for abortion disqualified Ms Kennedy and other Roman Catholics President Barack Obama had been seeking to appoint.
Mr Obama was reportedly seeking to reward John F Kennedy's daughter, who publicly gave her support to his election bid. She had been poised to replace Hillary Clinton as New York senator, but dropped out amid criticism that she lacked enough experience for the job.

The Italian paper said that the Vatican strongly disapproved of Mr Obama's support for abortion and stem cell research. The impasse over the ambassadorial appointment threatens to cloud his meeting with the Pope during a G8 summit in Itay in July.
Ms Kennedy, 53, has said that she supports abortion. Raymond Flynn, a former US ambassador to the Vatican, said earlier this week that Ms Kennedy would be a poor choice.
"It's imperative, it's essential that the person who represents us to the Holy See be a person who has pro-life values. I hope the President doesn't make that mistake," he told the Boston Herald. "She said she was pro-choice. I don't assume she's going to change that, which is problematic."
The White House refused to comment.

DOE -RAY -ME the World's Blues Away!!!

At Antwerpen Centraal

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Maurice Jarre: 9/13/1924-3/29/09

My Favorite Film Composer died on March 29th.

Mr. Jarre won 3 Oscars out of 6 nominations for 'Lawrence of Arabia', Doctor Zhivago' and 'Passage to India'

Lawrence of Arabia:

Doctor Zhivago:

Passage to India:

Ryan's Daughter:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Keith's Special Comment On The Banking Industry

Keith's Worst Person In The World...Of The Week:Bill'O

The Moron Is At It Again

Friday, March 20, 2009

Broadway Honors Natasha Richardson

Time Magazine Over the Years

Now that Kate made the cover of Time Magazine I think it is time to look back at some of my favorites similarly honored.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

R.I.P. Natasha

Natasha Richardson dies at 45 after ski accident
21 minutes ago

NEW YORK — Natasha Richardson, a gifted and precocious heiress to acting royalty whose career highlights included the film "Patty Hearst" and a Tony-winning performance in a stage revival of "Cabaret," died Wednesday at age 45 after suffering a head injury from a skiing accident.

Alan Nierob, the Los Angeles-based publicist for Richardson's husband Liam Neeson, confirmed her death in a written statement.

"Liam Neeson, his sons, and the entire family are shocked and devastated by the tragic death of their beloved Natasha," the statement said. "They are profoundly grateful for the support, love and prayers of everyone, and ask for privacy during this very difficult time."

The statement did not give details on the cause of death for Richardson, who suffered a head injury when she fell on a beginner's trail during a private ski lesson at the luxury Mont Tremblant ski resort in Quebec. She was hospitalized Tuesday in Montreal and later flown to a hospital in New York City.

Family members had been seen coming and going from the New York hospital where Richardson was reportedly taken.

Vanessa Redgrave, Richardson's mother, arrived in a car with darkened windows and was taken through a garage when she arrived at the Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan's Upper East Side at around 5 p.m. Wednesday. An hour earlier, Richardson's sister, Joely, arrived alone and was swarmed by the media as she entered through the back of the hospital.

My Thoughts Are With Natasha Richardson and Her Family Today

I am hearing the outcome will not be good.
Natasha is a brilliant actress and my thoughts and good will are with her family at this time. I hope for her recovery but the prognosis is not good at this time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stewart vs. Cramer

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Finally! My Favorite Films Of '08*

Updated Today*

* (i'd be remiss not to update having just seen the brilliant 'i've loved you so long')

Back To 2008

I thought i was finished with 2008.
Now two films came across my desk. They are both significant enough to make me revisit last year.
One could make a person think never ever to go to a movie again.
The other shows one why going or seeing films is a wondrous experience.

Let's start with the film that is truly a film masterpiece. 'I've Loved You So Long'. A powerful performance by the truly gifted Kristin Scott Thomas. How the hell was she not nominated for an Oscar after getting a SAG and BAFTA nomination? It again begs the question 'how the hell did anne hathaway get the nomination?'. This actress is at the top of her game here. I hope in time she gets her Oscar due.

Let's continue...in a word 'Australia'. Good god what a mess. What happened to Nicole Kidman? Between 2001 and 2002 she gave three terrific performances in 'Moulin Rouge', 'The Others' and her Oscar winning 'The Hours'. It has been a steady downhill slide since then. Nicole get with the program or give your Oscar back.
So now the WORST OF 2008 must be updated. No Anne Hathaway you are not off the hook. But you do get to tie for worst actress with Ms. Kidman. May the gods save both of your souls.

So now what about the worst film of '08?
For the talent, so called talent, and money involved this distinction now goes to 'Australia'. Somebody stop this madness. Yet I guess with all the great films produced in '08 I should stop carping. Carp? Yup a good word as 'Rachel yaya' and Australia are two dead fish!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Beautiful and Brilliant Mariska Hargitay

Mariska is havins some health issues.
Time for a tribute.
Get well soon.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Behar vs. Coulter

joy behar interviews the mad dog of the conservatives.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Last Look At Oscar 2009

(click volume on to hear josh grobin and lara fabian)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best Picture Winners 21st Century: 'Slumdog" Joins The Group

So today I'll begin the Oscar roundup and try to move into 2009.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gay Super Bowl Sunday: The Oscars

Best Picture Winners 21st Century

AND which of these will join them.

I repeat it was a great year for movies.
Mamma Mia was my favorie film. A joyous fun romp.

I think 'The Reader' was brilliant.
'Milk' was remarkably brilliant.
But 'Slumdog Millionaire' was a special gem.

Should win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Will win: 'Slumdog Millionaire'

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Day Before SHE Came

turn volume on to hear blangmange's 'the day before you came'

(best viewed if you watch on full screen)

Oscar Watch Live:

Supposedly Will Continue to Update Throughout the Next Many Hours as the Oscars Go On. We'll see.

In the meantime enjoy this fabulous picture of Kate.

Kate Winslet attends the US-Ireland Pre - Academy awards event in LA

Today: Best Actress Nominees And My Pick

Three great performances: Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep and Melissa Leo.
One good performance: Angelina Jolie.
One hysterical, over the top performance in the worst movie of the year: Anne Hathaway.

You know who I want to win. You know who I think will win. You know who I think should win.

You know they've snubbed her 5 times already.
You know I don't trust the voters.
You know I shouldn't care.
But this year I do more than most in this category.

So I'm going out on the proverbial limb.

The winner should be: Kate Winslet.
The winner will be: Kate Winslet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Best Actor Nominees And My Picks

A strong group of contenders. The odds are going toward a win for Mickey Rourke. A lot of actors who think their careers are over will vote for him.
Great actors will go for Sean Penn. But I repeat how great Richard Jenkins was in the pretty much forgotten 'The Visitor'.
Brad Pitt is always underestimated. He may be the new Cary Grant who was always underestimated.

The Oscar will go to Mickey Rourke I believe.

The Oscar should go to Sean Penn for 'Milk"

'Real Time With Bill Maher' Returns Tonight on HBO

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So Guess Who Made The Time Magazine Oscar Cover?

Kind Of Clever: From Pope To Hope

Oscar Predictions From MSNBC My Favorite News Station

'At The Movies' Best Actress Pick

I am not alone regarding Kate the Great!

Today: Best Supporting Actress Nominees And My Pick

This may be the hardest category of all. 5 deserving nominees in 5 brilliant performances.
I narrowed my choice down to 2. Penelope Cruz and Taraji P. Henson. And I feel like poking an ice pick into my brain.

But I must mark my Ballot. So here goes as I pray for a tie...

Who I would mark the ballot for: Taraji P. Henson
Who will win: Penelope Cruz and I will have no argument with the win.