Monday, August 10, 2009

'Oliver' Sperm to Michael Jackson? This Story Gets Weirder and Weirder

British child star Mark Lester says he's the father of Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris.
"I gave Michael my sperm so that he could have kids - and I believe Paris is my daughter," said Lester, who played Oliver Twist in the 1967 flick "Oliver."
The 51-year-old told Britain's News of the World he gave Jackson his semen 13 years ago and is godfather to all three of Jackson's children.
He believes Paris, 11, is his daughter because of an "uncanny likeness" between the girl and his own daughter, Harriet, 15. He wants to take a paternity test.
Lester said he donated his sperm at a London clinic while Jackson was married to Debbie Rowe.
"She's the birth mother of the children so I naturally assumed the sperm donation would obviously have gone into Debbie and Debbie would have borne the children," he said in a video posted on the paper's Web site.
He said he's coming forward now because he has "concerns about the welfare and upbringing of the children."
"I dearly want to remain in contact with those kids and I feel now this is the only way I can ensure that," he said.
Jackson and Lester were friends for more than 25 years and he reportedly spent the day with the Jackson kids after their father's memorial service last month.
"The kids seemed to be coping quite well and they are surrounded by their family right now," he said at the time. "They are very polite and quite quiet kids, and despite all the publicity surrounding them and their family, they are trying to keep things as normal as possible at home."

Read more:

And Another Racist Is Merely a Clown

Josh Groban: 'The Music of the Night'

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Isn't It Obvious This Kid Did NOT Fall far from the Proverbial Tree

Latest Insanity from this MORON: Palin: Obama's "Death Panel" Could Kill My Down Syndrome Baby

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has laid pretty low since resigning. But on her Facebook page, Palin suggested Friday that President Obama's health care plan might kill her child.

Via Talking Points Memo:

As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we're saying not just no, but hell no!

The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Health care by definition involves life and death decisions. Human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion.

Rep. Michele Bachmann highlighted the Orwellian thinking of the president's health care advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the White House chief of staff, in a floor speech to the House of Representatives. I commend her for being a voice for the most precious members of our society, our children and our seniors.

We must step up and engage in this most crucial debate. Nationalizing our health care system is a point of no return for government interference in the lives of its citizens. If we go down this path, there will be no turning back. Ronald Reagan once wrote, "Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth." Let's stop and think and make our voices heard before it's too late.

Palin included a video of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), another fierce and hyperbolic critic of the president, saying Obama's plan would mean depriving senior citizens and disabled people of proper care. Watch this idiot:

This idiot has described her opposition to reform as "like having a mother bear protecting her little cubs, and she's seeing that she has to move heaven and earth to get her child what her child needs."

Who's Your Favorite Racist?

remember you don't have to be white to be a racist!

it's true not all republicans are racists but also true is all racists are republicans!

Terry Jacks: 'Seasons of the Sun'

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kerry Ellis: 'Bohemian Rhapsody'

on monday i posted 'bohemian rhapsody' as originated by queen. i never thought it could be covered and succeed. i was wrong.

so now i ask: is there nothing kerry ellis cannot sing?
Damn you go girl!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who's Crazier: Orly Taitz Or Her Supporters?

"Enough of the Mob"

500 Days of Summer - Official Full Length Trailer

Kate the Great

kate seems to be taking her well deserved 'vacation' from film.
we can only hope she is reading scripts. please be reading scripts kate!

but i can't have too long a period between postings on kate. so i made this little video to tide us kate fans over.
the soundtrack is the gone to soon brilliant georgia brown. the song is 'i'm a woman' from the musical 'carmelina.
a bit of triva: 'carmelina' is the original 'mamma mia'. this is true. it was based on the movie 'buena sera mrs. campbell'. same stories revolving around a wedding, three possible dads and the outcomes are the same. you must trust me on this. my mind is full of this kind of stuff. why? wish i knew. no really, i'm a music, musical, film and theater buff. well the word fanatic may be a better fit!

Dolly Parton: 'Here You Come Again'

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meryl on the 'Tonight Show'

Grant Goodeve: 'Eight Is Enough'

an oldie but goodie: the theme from 'eight is enough' sung by one of it's players grant goodeve.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Top Ten Things Overheard At Sarah Palin's Farewell Party


Palin's Favorability Rating Drops As She Nears Exit: Poll

WASHINGTON — A majority of Americans take a negative view of outgoing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and although she remains popular among Republicans, her image within the party has slipped, according to a new poll.

Palin's favorabilty rating has dipped to its lowest level in the Washington Post-ABC News since she came to national attention last summer as GOP presidential nominee John McCain's running mate. Fifty-three percent of those polled view her negatively and 40 percent have a favorable impression.

Last summer, almost six in 10 Americans viewed her favorably, but her poll numbers have slipped since.

Palin, seen as a possible GOP presidential contender in 2012, is stepping down as governor Sunday, ending her term 18 months early.

Palin, who said it was time to change course, remains strikingly popular within her own party, especially with white evangelical Protestants and conservatives. Seventy percent of Republicans view her favorably. But the number who have "strongly favorable" opinions has dropped since last fall, the Post reported Friday.

The poll involved 1,001 randomly selected adults on standard and cell phones and was taken from July 15-18 with a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

'The Glamorous Life'

if anything good came out of the lousy film version of 'a little night music' it was 'the glamorous life'.
pity they did not keep the camera more on the kid singing and less on elizabeth taylor who at this point in her "career" had about one facial expressions left: frozen boredom.

and then by the brilliant audra mcdonald

Friday, July 24, 2009

Pure Unadulterated Racism!!!

This entire 'Birther' bullshit is pure racism...hey...white guy here saying this. these idiots are pissed a black man is president of the U.S. You are shameful. A disgrace. You embarrass Americans EVERYWHERE!!!

Queen of the Village Idiot Racists

THE Birth Certificate for the MORONS at Large

can you read ms. idiota cheney and your roving band of village idiots?

Liz Cheney (Moron) : Birther of Crazier Conspiracies

Well, it appears Old Man Potter's progeny didn't fall far from the gnarled, twisted tree, as America bore witness to Liz Cheney unfurling her writhing power-hungry roots on Larry King, burrowing deep beneath the dirt filled with assorted creepy crawlies to feed her political prospects.

By refusing to de-legitimize the Birther Movement (who believe there is a 48-year-old conspiracy afoot to have a native born Kenyan infiltrate the White House--even if all evidence including birth certificate and newspaper announcements are in direct contradiction to their twisted xenophobic reality) and going on to question Obama's loyalty to our God-loving nation of torture, revenge and fear of the other, it seems ole Spin Lizzy is simply fanning the flames of hillbilly hatred, hoping for a backdraft to buoy her onward and upward to fill the void left by the assassination of our nansy-pansy negotiating, anti-warmongering, internationally beloved, personal-freedom protecting, non-puppet-in-chief... or so the left-wing-leaning media would lead you to believe.

However, what many in the drive-by media have failed to call attention to (with their relentless reliance on facts and annoyingly adult insistence on authenticity) are the other un-debunked conspiracy theories with a possible grain of half-truth or titillation that Elizabeth has been both tirelessly uncovering and propagating in her down-time from fulfilling her birthright to world domination.

Here are her Top 3:

1. The Obamas's Intergenerational Involvement in the Staged Apollo Moon Landing/Walk Footage
As of now, unauthenticated testimony from a fourth-party source implicates Barack Sr. as serving as not only a boom operator but gopher on a secret NASA soundstage which produced the awe-inspiring faked films. Although also possessing incontrovertible evidence such as a used coffee cup and the remnants of a glazed donut (gingerly bitten by the demented director), the clandestine whistleblower refuses to go public for fear of a vengeful Buzz Aldrin planting his 72-year-old, abnormally large, arthritic knuckles on his fragile, easy-to-bruise face.

Born just outside of Kendu Bay, Kenya, Big Daddy Barack was allegedly a member of a mysterious Kanyadhiang village tribe who had a fanatical aversion to green cheese (which those who have not bought into government-manipulated propaganda know the fungus-ridden satellite is comprised of). Anyway, the head witchdoctor of said heathen clan designated him and his offspring with the destiny of protecting all kindred palates from such evil-spirited celestial cultures, by any means necessary.

Is it merely coincidence or has Obama, Jr. most obviously followed in his father's fictionalized filmed footsteps by sanctioning the release of brand spanking new "restored" footage produced by Hollywood movie mavens Lowry Digital of Burbank, California? Is the lactose-tolerant among us being deprived of our solar system's tastiest treat?

2. Obama was the Third Shooter on the Grassy Knoll
Now the average uneducated layman might dismiss this out of hand, being that Obama was born on August 4th, 1961 and John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963. How could a two-year-old toddler wield a 6.5 mm caliber Carcano rifle, shouldering the recoil and blowback, when he could barely manage to walk and was (let's not forget!) a native indigene of Africa at the time? Because he wasn't an infant when he accomplished the assassination silly. Hello! Most of you are dismissing two of the most obvious variables that would handily lead to such a foreseeable conclusion: Jews and time travel. As we all now know Jews are masters of manipulating the media. Now, what if they were to take those crafty Semitic talents and apply them to the ever-so-easily malleable space-time continuum?

Blammo! No more JFK. Creating a deep-seated hurt in the heart and meta-consciousness of the big-hearted American Public, an endless emptiness and yearning which eventually leads them to vote for Democrats with similar attributes in the future to fill the vacuum, such as Bill "Bubba" Clinton...and Barack Hussein Obama, the time-tripping foreigner mastermind of his own diabolical rise. It's virtually indisputable!

3. Obama is not just an alien, he is an alien alien
This tantalizing theory effortlessly fuses the two previous ones by incorporating the federal government's baloney weather-balloon wreck cover-up of the Roswell UFO crash. It was most recently surreptitiously reported by a peyote-tripping, former-hippie-now-Republican shaman, living on the outskirts of the New Mexico desert, who courageously bore telepathic witness to the interstellar accident on July 8th, 1947.

Accordingly, the extraterrestrial who piloted the craft was allegedly drunk on some higher evolved, out-of-this-world intoxicant and overshot his mark (just outside of Kendu Bay, Kenya where he was supposed to rendezvous with you-know-who's pop pop--then 14 years old, a man by Kanyadhiang standards and fully in charge of his impending fate to discourage actual travel to the hunk of moon cheese at any cost).

Are you with me? Ok, so the Jews naturally were able to intercept him first, since (as everybody knows) they are the primary constituents of the all-powerful Illuminati and were alerted to this botched, haphazard, intergalactic first contact immediately through the secret rays they use to communicate with one another (which emanate from their hidden horns).

Now, while accidentally trying to feed their captive, sobered-up, space-traveling survivor, these Illuminati Jews soon learned of his severe revulsion to a particular dairy product (that they themselves don't normally eat with red meat, but for the most part enjoy like the rest of us).

Systematically exploiting this weakness to their advantage, they were not only able to pry into his ulterior motives for visiting earth with their secret mind-rays--to re-establish communication with his long-lost otherworldly brethren who were placed on this earth in the distant past to shepherd and rule over all of humanity (AKA Nobama's ancestors)--but gain the technological know-how to make time travel possible (which would be used at a later date in cahoots with an all too compliant Lee Harvey Oswald!).

However, what they didn't bank on (pun intended) was for the alien entity to be so darn charming. After mere weeks of regaling them with tales of his celestial hijinks, they couldn't stop fawning over him and eventually made him our de facto leader. Not really one for responsibility (he preferred boozing and getting high much like our most recent illegitimate, illiterate president) he eventually chose a little big-eared E.T. descendent (lacking a real U.S birth certificate) to be groomed as his heir for the future, letting humans fend for themselves from about 1981 to 2007 while he went on a massive bender. The rest is history.

ABBA: 'Mamma Mia'

Farewell to 'Harper's Island'

i loved visiting harper's island this spring and summer. a lot of murders happened but i survived. made some good friends there but fortunately most were killed. fortunate because that was the true pleasure of this island wondering who's next. well i enjoyed my new friends while they lasted.i took some videos and will enjoy watching them and the memories, even the gruesome ones, that they will bring.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jon Stewart Takes on the 'Birthers'

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

Lara Fabian: 'Broken Vow'

R.I.P. 'Eli Stone'

last weekend abc aired the final episode of this witty, ingenious, charming and intelligent show.
shame on abc for canceling this innovative series.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Liz Cheney: Another VILLAGE IDIOT Heard From

What I Am Watching This Summer

the best of the new ones is 'royal pains'.

and starring the hot yet talented mark feuerstein is a major plus.

i like all of these summer shows.
also the return of the cable shows.
for the most part i find them more satisfying than regular network episodic tv.

'in plain sight' and 'the closer' remain the tops for me this summer season.

'Countdown' on the Idiot "Birthers"

'Yes My Heart'

a few years ago at the encore series in nyc i saw anne hathaway in 'carnival'.
i was impressed.
....then came the most underwhelming performance in 'brokeback mountain', the walk through performance in last year's, i believe straight to video, 'passengers' and the hysterical, whining and yet somehow oscar nominated performance in the god-awful 'rachel getting married'.
don't even get me started on 'bride wars'.

but back to 'carnival'. rumour has it that ms. hathaway may join hugh jackman in a film remake of 'carousel'. with the charm she showed in 'carnival' i believe she could make a delightful julie jordan. here's hoping. and if she's not available how about emmy rossum.

from 'carnival': 'yes my heart'

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

'Edge of Love': D+

i finally got to see this one on video. now i know why this art theatre film did not get much of a theatrical release. it's a tough movie.
a drunken self centered dylan thomas does not actually scream entertainment.
the screenplay if factual was tough material.
the only redeeming qualities were the performances of keira knightly and cillian murphy as the lover's who had to deal with the f. scott/zelda insanity of yet another author (thomas) and his whacked out wife caitlin both overacted and underwhelming played by sienna miller and mathew rhys.
so now i have my first pick for one of the worse films of 2009.

forget this one as film history undoubtedly will.

Jennifer Lopez