Monday, August 23, 2010

Betty and Neil Patrick Score Early Emmys

betty white scores an emmy for her 'saturdat night live' hosting and neil patrick harris scores two. the first for hosing the 'tonys' and as guest star in a comedy on 'glee'. they were awarded saturday night at the 'creative arts' portion of the emmys.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

'To Know Him Is to Love Him (Her)'

following up on spotlighting linda ronstadt yesterday leads me to this trio by linda, dolly parton and emmylou harris.

the song is one of my all time favorites.

the original was recorded by a 50's group called the ponitails

the beetles saw fit to record it with a few updated lyrics as 'to know her is to love her' listen carefully.

my favorite version is john lennon's solo version

all together this only proves that good music can transcend time, place and musical genre.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What's On My Mind Today

Barack vs Moslem Haters

this obama being a moslem has to stop. this is racism through and through. who are these nutjobs who think this? well i know we know who they are!  after listening to this crap on cnn the other night i have to wonder why barack or anyone else would want to be a christian. this is franklin graham a so called 'christian'.

and what if he were of the moslem faith. is their anything in the constitution of the united stated that says moslems can't be president. it seems that many christians believe freedom of religion is only for them. i was raised christian. they tried to turn me into a papist. no fracking way. i was out of there. i converted to judaism which was the faith of jesus. o yes it was! he was born a jew and died a jew. he had no idea that within three hundred years a bunch of 'jesus cults' would get together and form these arrogant religions one born out of the other out of more arrogance and enter the concept of religious greed. 

for the record the jewish faith, the moslem faith and the christian faith are all the founded on the faith of abraham. start reading folks. educate yourselves. don't be led blindly by bigoted morons. and faith is far different from religion. faiths are equal while it is religions that cause the fights and the factions and the fractions of the crazies. 
but i believe i am preaching to the choir. those who swallow this nonsense that permeates around the world, particularly in america,  have probably given up on my blog already or are about to now. goodbye and good riddance.

once again here's and listen and learn.

Encore: Linda Ronstadt

with yesterday's posting of 'different drum' i got into a linda mood. 

these are some of my favorite ronstadt's that came during her 'golden' years. it's always great to revisit my musical past favorites.

early linda

My Favorite Linda Ronstadt: 'Blue Bayou'

Happy Birthday Loretta

someone write a series for this woman. she is the funniest of them all. the best of the best.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Idiot of the Week and What Is Going on in My Mind Today?

Well Here Is the Winner Once Again

this moron is like an std you can't get rid of

"dr.laura:don't retreat ... reload!"

Sarah Palin’s post-VP nominee career has so far benefitted from bomb-throwing. The process follows a tight script—a crude, semi-calculated comment is shot into the middle of a political debate via Facebook or Twitter. It gains national attention. Liberals are outraged. Conservatives rush to her defense. Sarah Palin dominates a news cycle and becomes more beloved by her base.
But by unnecessarily rushing to the defense of Dr. Laura Schlessinger—after she dropped the N-bomb 11 times and told the caller “don’t marry outside of your race”—Sarah Palin might finally have gone too far and picked a fight she cannot win.
Palin is “trying to shock us each day with more and more outlandish commentary,” said one black conservative. “And at that moment that person is no longer fit to lead.”*two racist bitches really*** note well that this was said by a black conservative not liberal or independent **note well that this was said by me

Stone Poneys' Kenny Edwards Dead at 64

i love this song. it was the introduction of linda ronstadt to the music scene. the stone poney's disbanded after this release which was a major hit for them. ronstadt went on to an amazing solo career. 

'different drum' feat linda ronstadt:

Happy Birthday Joan

happy birthday to one of america's best unsung actresses

'True Blood' on 'Rolling Stone'

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Propostion 8: Equality for Some" ***stars on DVD

i just caught up with this documentary on the prop 8 amendment in california that makes gay men and women unequal under the law according to the state constitution. it is more a worthy indictment of the mormon religion, with a subtext of the catholic religion, than a call for gay rights. albeit they certainly intermingle here. and it is an indictment that is justified. i know less about the church of latter day saints* than any other religion. they want it that way. they are a secretive group. a cult really which all kidding aside has secret and seemingly magic underwear.  it has at it's center the tenant that all it's members practice obedience. obedience to the elders and to god. mostly to the elders first and their illusion (delusion) of god second. religion is a strange thing. you either believe or you don't. you tithe or you don't (i sure as hell would not). you will be blackmailed into making contributions to a cause that the elders adhere to or you will be banished. take banishment!

this film makes makes a good argument that this church in particular should not be tax exempt. i think no church should be tax exempt as they are able to hide their political financial wheeling and dealing with a clock of protection around them. the power that the roman church had in the 50- early 60's is now held by latter day saints. the papists are crumbling under the weight of scandals and hocus pocus. we can only wait for the same for the lds. mitt romney for president? magic underwear indeed!

i recommend this for the information unearthed about lds. if documentaries are not your thing catch up with hbo's 'big love' a more dramatic and fulfilling look at the absurdity and abominations emanating from utah.

we are in the age of aquarius now. pisces is over. thus the symbol of the fish is replaced. i.e. christianity as we know it is on the way out. wake up ye papists. 

*i don't consider scientology a religion. i see it more as a scify movie in real time. it's a cult like all the others but with no redeeming value. at least the vatican has art on it's side. pillaged art but they have it none the less.

What's On My Mind Today: Richard Engel MSNBC War Correspondent

embed reporter richard engel spent the last 5 years covering the war in iraq. he was honored last night as the only reporter on the scene as combat troops withdrew. he risked all for this work. it has been his life all these years thus sacrificing all other aspects of his life. he is an unsung civilian hero of this war. he dared tell the truth when the former administration tried to feed us lie upon lie.

thank you richard for your sacrifices and being a truth-sayer.

Happy Birthday Kyra

star of one of the beat shows on tv today

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bush's War is OVER...The PHONY and Needless Bush-Cheyney War is Now Behind Us.

the needless war built on the bush-cheyney lies is over. liars!!! but some of us knew they were bs-ing us from the get-go.
the last combat forces are leaving as i type this.
too many lives lost. too much unfunded money spent. and believe me i hold all the democrats who were bush's bitches responsible also. they were wimps. the republicans were the chicken hawks.

cheyney should rot in hell for this war mongering that his silly idiotic boss went along with.



The Mosque NEAR the World Trade Center

i'm a native new yorker transplanted to florida. my religion of choice is jewish. i hate that 9/11 happened. i hate even more that religious freedom in the united states seemingly excludes moslems. get over it. moslems did not, i repeat did not, fly planes into the world trade center. 19 fanatics did. the idiot who flew into an irs building this past year does not reflect on everyone of his religion. because people like these two frackin idiots are not making a stink about him. 

and he WAS a homegrown terrorist

how dare knuet gingrich use the nazi analogy again. these frackin republicans use this analogy too frackin much. they are becoming more and more like hitler and mussolini than anyone in this nation.

so new yorker/chosen jew says yes to the mosque where it is planned. unlike others, and that means you also harry reid, i believe in reconciliation. you are a bunch of frackin wackos.

i really wish someone would fly a plane into a certain house in wasilla.

What's On My Mind Today

why does it seem that besides the word NO that republicans have only two thoughts:

1. the answer to all foreign policy is 'let's go to war'.

2. that tax cuts to the wealthiest amongst us is the answer to all national politics.

what a bunch of frackin' idiots.

'South Pacific' on PBS Tonight

tonight on a pbs station near you the tony award winning revival of 'south pacific' will be televized live from lincoln center. kelli o'hara and tony winner paulo szot return to reprise their roles in this the final week of the show's run.

unfortunately the gifted matthew morrison is tied up fiming the 'glee' series and could not join them as lt. cable.

why can't they do this with all broadway shows?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's on My Mind Today

equal rights for me and ALL gay people is a right. Target is donating a ton of money to anti-gay candidates in the united states. do your part and let them know how you feel. at the very least BOYCOTT their stores.

Remembering Mae West on Her Birthday

'Special Comment': There Is No Ground Zero Mosque

Happy Birthday Sean

Monday, August 16, 2010

'Weeds' Returns on Showtime Tonight

'weeds' staring the brilliant mary louise-parker returns tonight on showtime

Happy Birthday Moe and Lesley Ann

Chess: 'I Know Him So Well'

idina menzel and the wonderful kerry ellis in the concert version of 'chess'

Saturday, August 14, 2010

'Royal Pains' Slips Down to a B

i had given 'royal pains' an A a few blogs ago. but they have added a new character, dr. emily peck, portrayed by a god-awful actress named anastasia griffith. her acting and her story line are bringing down this show. her acting barely worked on 'damages' but is anne hathaway worthy here. get her the hell out of the hamptons now!

Happy Birthday Catherine


i love audrey hepburn and think i should be a little offended by this. but i think it's a riot. and love the fact that17 after her passing she still reigns in pop culture.

Friday, August 13, 2010

'Avatar' Returns August 27


well they are some of the most honest actors around. there is nothing phony about their performances.
just some of my favorites and a song i love.
hey, it's a slow day lol.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

'Meadowlark': Patti, Betty ,Liz, Alice

a great song by four broadway legends. from the musical 'the baker's wife.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's on My Mind Today?

exactly what color is this moron?


what exactly is it about gay marriage and gays in the military that bothers republicans. that they really are closeted? that republican women are afraid that their husband's may leave them for a man? what are they so damn insecure about. truth be told mr and mrs republican i have not met a republican man i want to sleep with. trust me. i assure you i do not want to catch what they have. and the thought of spending a moment, let alone my life, with a racist, right wing religious fanatic is not my idea of a good time or a good life. get over yourselves you pompous arrogant morons.

family values my ass!


reese as peggy...i can see it


i've recommened inception and gave it ****stars.

i caught up with it in imax. mind blowing.  since this is my blog and i can do what i want i'm giving it *****stars in this format.

here's the 'inception' oscar problem: 'old' hollywood is shaking it's feeble heads left and right while 'young' hollywood is singing it's praises. so you see the problem.

Special Comment

yesterday press secretary robert gibbs insulted what he calls 'the professional left' well mr. gibbs this so called professional left' and many of us 'left of centerists' do not take your insults lightly. you are a damn fool to insult and heckle the obama administrations base. actually you have jumped to the head of the line for the 'idiot of the week' title.

best you listen and listen well to mr. olbermann. he speaks to the base you are alienating with your smirk and unfounded words.

Vanessa Marcil Returns to 'General Hospital' Today

welcome back brenda

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sandra Bullock Wins Best Actress Award, Wears Leather, Dances With Betty White at Teen Choice Awards

Sandra Bullock, in leather pants and a t-shirt, made a surprise appearance Sunday night at the Teen Choice Awards, picking up Best Actress and doing a booty dance with Betty White, seen below.
"I don't know if you should bring attention to this. Some things are better left unsaid. It's been awhile since I was a teen," Bullock told the crowd. "I'm so blessed and lucky. 'The Blind Side' - I got to meet so many good people, so many good lessons I took away from it."
Then Bullock invited White onstage. "I was worried about her fitting in but that's not the problem," she joked. "The problem is she was supposed to jump in on my line, so Betty get your ass out on this stage!"
And they shook it to Lil Jon's "Get Low."

*reprinted without permission from 'the huffington post"

Monday, August 9, 2010

'Eat, Pray, Love'

 julia and james franco for starters...and it all starts friday...

uk trailer

american trailer

more to come...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Keith 'Interviews' an IDIOT

well he sort of 'interviews' an idiot. since sharron angle will only give interviews to reporters who ask her the questions she wants asked keith had to use her 'greatest hits' for his interview. all i can say is good luck nevada. please show us all that you not all as stupid as this gop candidate.