it's an interesting reinvention of a classic to grab the attention and a new music minded generation.
This blog gives a look into the eternal sunshine of my ever roving mind. I consider myself a social critic. I believe in Film, Music, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Gay Rights, the Right to Choose, Human Rights and YES I still believe in Barack Obama. I believe in most things left of center. I don't get any organized religion.They are all a sham. This is the gay pride flag. I am proudly gay. These are the things this blog is about. Love it, like it or leave it. We all have choices.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Josh's Jukebox Special Edition: 'Nowhere Man'
to honor the brits and dishonor the ugly american on their shores mitt the twit
from the soundtrack of my life in real time
the beatles
'Little White Lies' Finally Gets USA Release
already a hit in europe 'little white lies' will arrive in the states later this summer. two oscar winners, marion cotillard ('la vie en rose") and jean dujuardin ('the artist") lead the cast in this 'the big chill' style dramedy.
directed by guillasume canet who gave us the remarkable 2006's 'tell no one' gives it even greater promise. if you have not seen 'tell no one' rent it. it's one of the best.
so between this and 'rust and bone' and 'the dark night rises' it's a great year for fans of ms cotillard. meaning me!
'little white lies',
2012 film,
marion cotillard
Thursday, July 26, 2012
New 'The Bourne Legacy' Featurette Explains The Film's Ties To The Jason Bourne Saga
jeremy renner is not playing jason bourne. he plays another agent in another cia like black-ops program and takes place at the same time as 'the bourne ultimatum'. the new featurette hopes to explain it all to us prior to it's august 10th unveiling in theaters. have a go at it.
i've been a fan of the 'bourne' films from the start. i hate the thought of one without matt damon but i will be there. rachel weisz is in it. so is edward norton. so sure i'll give it an open minded go. jeremy renner has yet to get to me. he almost did in 'the town' but fell somewhat short. we'll see.
the featurette
'Life of Pi' Preview
new film by director ang lee (brokeback mountain') opens this fall. the preview looks damn good. the film is in 3d. we'll see. i personally thought 'brokeback' went on a bit long. it's way to many pastoral shots killed it for me. i was one of a handful of gay men who went for 'crash' as best picture that year. the hate mailers filled my inbox. i did not and will not take it back.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Preview: 6 Minute Clip From 'Anna Karenina' Starring Keira Knightley, Jude Law & Aaron Johnson

i am really looking forward to this film. you know well how much i admire keira knightley. jude law almost always impresses. director joe wright seems to want to take us back to the sprawling epics of the past by moving them forward. making the most of production design and greater use of art direction and the sensuality of the actors it appears he will succeed.
'anna karenina,
2012 film,
aaron johnson,
jude law,
keira knightley
Josh's Jukebox: 'I'm Not in Love'
i just heard this for the first time in years. i think nathan had just broken up with me. i think i may have deserved it. maybe not. i hated that he did. he was my first true love. you don't forget the first! so here's to you nathan. you are still in my heart. you still shine with the best.
from the soundtrack of my life
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Parliamo di Italia
yes let's talk about italy. i just wrapped up my next trip to my favorite country on earth. i say this with all due respect to my visitors from other countries. i have, and continue to travel the world and like or love many countries. but it is in italy that i feel most at home. perhaps it is because italy is in my blood. my maternal grandparents were both both there. naples and sorrento to be exact. had they not left i may have been born there. or at least some version of me.
i am most at home away from home when i am sitting in an italian cafe or in a piazzo when i find myself drinking wine or cappucinos and eating. god yes eating!
i feel most at peace in sorrento. in venice. and mostly in florence. i believe in reincarnation. that said i firmly believe i roamed the pathways of florence in my past. i wish in my present i was walking there. every day. i go there to honor my past. i constantly think of expating to italy. during the entire bush administration i wondered what the hell was i doing in the usa. a voice kept shouting in my ear 'go home...go home to italy'. i did not listen. with the fear of a republican win looming here in america that voice is quietly beginning again. i am sure it will roar like a lion if the nitwit mitt wins in november. anybody know a flat i can rent or buy. i am not kidding. trust me. florence here i come. and what wonder that i could hop a train at any time and visit, finally, all of italy. and the rest of europe.
well anyway to celebrate finalizing my trip i offer 'fotoromanza' a song dear to my heart and soul. it is my memory of my second visit to florence and my wild wonderful nights in 'criscos' and of marco. my wonderful marco. if he is still there i will find him. a few other's too. yes i feel i am going home again. rome, perugia, bologna, padua here i come. venice god yes here i come. and my beloved florence you call to me. i'm coming back. this time i may never leave.
from the soundtrack of my life
gianna nannini
Sì parliamo di Italia. Ho appena concluso il mio viaggio accanto al mio paese preferito sulla terra. Lo dico con tutto il rispetto per i miei visitatori provenienti da altri paesi. ho, e continuano a viaggiare per il mondo e piace o ami molti paesi. ma è in Italia che mi sento più a casa. forse è perché l'Italia è nel mio sangue. i miei nonni materni erano entrambi sia lì. Napoli e Sorrento per essere esatti. se non avessero lasciato i può essere nato lì. o almeno una qualche versione di me.
io sono più a casa lontano da casa quando sono seduto in un caffè italiano o in una Piazzo quando mi trovo a bere vino o cappucino e mangiare. dio si mangia!
mi sento più in pace in sorrento. a Venezia. e soprattutto a Firenze. Credo nella reincarnazione. Detto questo io credo fermamente i vagavano per le vie di Firenze nel mio passato. i desideri nel mio presente stavo camminando lì. ogni giorno. Ci vado per onorare il mio passato. Ho sempre voglia di expating in Italia. durante l'intera amministrazione Bush mi sono chiesto cosa diavolo stavo facendo negli Stati Uniti. una voce continuava a gridare al mio orecchio'andare a casa ... tornare a casa in Italia '. non mi ascolta. con la paura di una vittoria repubblicana si profila qui in America che la voce sia tranquillamente ricominciare. Sono sicuro che ruggirà come un leone, se il guanto nitwit vince in novembre. Qualcuno sa un appartamento posso affittare o comprare. Non sto scherzando. fiducia in me. firenze qui vengo. e quello che chiedo che potrei saltare un treno in qualsiasi momento e visitare, infine, tutta l'Italia. e il resto d'Europa.
bene comunque per celebrare la finalizzazione mio viaggio offro 'Fotoromanza' una canzone cara al mio cuore e l'anima. è il mio ricordo della mia seconda visita a Firenze e le mie notti selvagge meravigliose in 'Crisco di' e di marco. mio meraviglioso marco. se lui è ancora lì io la troverò. pochi altri è troppo. Sì, sento che sto andando di nuovo a casa. Roma, Perugia, Bologna, Padova sto arrivando. venezia Dio. Sì sto arrivando. e la mia amata Firenze vi invito a me. Sto tornando. Questa volta non può mai lasciare.
dalla colonna sonora della mia vita
io sono più a casa lontano da casa quando sono seduto in un caffè italiano o in una Piazzo quando mi trovo a bere vino o cappucino e mangiare. dio si mangia!
mi sento più in pace in sorrento. a Venezia. e soprattutto a Firenze. Credo nella reincarnazione. Detto questo io credo fermamente i vagavano per le vie di Firenze nel mio passato. i desideri nel mio presente stavo camminando lì. ogni giorno. Ci vado per onorare il mio passato. Ho sempre voglia di expating in Italia. durante l'intera amministrazione Bush mi sono chiesto cosa diavolo stavo facendo negli Stati Uniti. una voce continuava a gridare al mio orecchio'andare a casa ... tornare a casa in Italia '. non mi ascolta. con la paura di una vittoria repubblicana si profila qui in America che la voce sia tranquillamente ricominciare. Sono sicuro che ruggirà come un leone, se il guanto nitwit vince in novembre. Qualcuno sa un appartamento posso affittare o comprare. Non sto scherzando. fiducia in me. firenze qui vengo. e quello che chiedo che potrei saltare un treno in qualsiasi momento e visitare, infine, tutta l'Italia. e il resto d'Europa.
bene comunque per celebrare la finalizzazione mio viaggio offro 'Fotoromanza' una canzone cara al mio cuore e l'anima. è il mio ricordo della mia seconda visita a Firenze e le mie notti selvagge meravigliose in 'Crisco di' e di marco. mio meraviglioso marco. se lui è ancora lì io la troverò. pochi altri è troppo. Sì, sento che sto andando di nuovo a casa. Roma, Perugia, Bologna, Padova sto arrivando. venezia Dio. Sì sto arrivando. e la mia amata Firenze vi invito a me. Sto tornando. Questa volta non può mai lasciare.
dalla colonna sonora della mia vita
gianna nannini dal vivo
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Josh's Jukebox: 'Shake It Out'
there was some silliness on the internet re 'smash'. for the whole of the first season 'they', whoever 'they' are, were playing this 'team karen' or 'team ivy' thing. privately i got caught up in it. then reviewing my blog i realized i might just 'admit' i was 'team karen' all along. but really i was/am team mcphee!
so here's another katherine mcphee terrific vocal.
from the jukebox of my like
and the original and catchy and wonderful...
florence+the machine
Spring TV Season in Review Part 3: 'Pretty Little Liars'
this will come as no surprise. 'pretty little liars' is still the best guilty pleasure on tv. it just keeps getting better and better. in fact this season has had some of the best scripts so far in it's three year run. the 'liars' are growing up. so are their problems. the actresses portraying them are getting better episode by episode as they grow into their characters. the juggler keeps juggling. the balls have yet to drop.
the season which is only partially into it's run gets an overwhelming A+
as far as the guys go tyler blackburn and keegan allen shine although mr allen has been way underused this season. and does anyone else think ian harding (ezra fitz) is becoming a john edwards slime ball type a guy. he's beginning to make my skin crawl. perhaps this is the choice and they are working it into the storyline. i hope so. otherwise he is just creepy and aria needs a new love interest.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Carrie Underwood, Kristin Chenoweth, & Christina Applegate Medley
sometimes we just have to smile and after today's events i think we need a smile right now
Damn! Has the US Become a Nation That Can't Go to the Movies Anymore?
yeah let's have NO gun control as the right would like. wonder what any right winger family who lost someone at this theater is thinking now. i'm sorry for all the loses that took place. but we need yet another discussion on the issue. life is fragile as it is. do we need to make it worse?
i am sure there was mental illness involved here. but did we have to hand him a weapon? will this country ever learn? sadly i think not!
Quote of the Day
“We’ve given all you people need to know.”
you people? so says ann romney. she means us. the little people. those not of her high patronage. who the hell does this bitch think she is? miss high and mighty. we the mere folk, the peons, will get what she and nitwitmitt say they will give us re his taxes.
Emmy Nomination Talk
so let's start off by saying ''uma thurmam what the frack". she was awful in 'smash'. the worst. she sucked as she generally does. and yet she gets a guest nomination over carrie preston in 'the good wife'. shame shame shame.
now that i got that off my chest i'll move on. it was not an otherwise bad call except for the major networks who received not a single nom for best drama series. the only hopeful, 'the good wife', was shut out shamefully. cable dominated. but that is not to say the networks did not have worthy fare like 'the good wife', 'once upon a time' and 'revenge'.
'madmen' and 'american horror story' reigned supreme with the most noms followed by 'downton abbey'. i am thrilled with all the acting nods given to 'downton' especially michelle dockery. but there was not a single throw away in their acting noms so bravo to them all. but where is dan crawley?
the best actress drama category is the most competitive. michelle, julianna magulies and claire danes with kathy bates along for the ride. they are all deserving. i love julianna but she won last year. i want michelle to win. claire will get it.
drama series is a damn good list too. i want 'downton' but my second choice 'homeland' has the edge. we'll see. i am so over 'madmen'. i just don't get the fawning. enough already. 'breaking bad' may be worthy but i gave up on it. enough of the cooking meth already. and don't get me started on the gratuitous violence. it was once brilliant. it is now formular. don't send hate mail. i don't read it.
josh charles ignored for 'the good wife'? yes he was. i am thrilled for jason ritter, jean smart, jessica lange, sarah paulson and connie britton. all worthy this year. most years actually.
but alas there was no love for 'renvenge' or 'once upon a time'.
now that i got that off my chest i'll move on. it was not an otherwise bad call except for the major networks who received not a single nom for best drama series. the only hopeful, 'the good wife', was shut out shamefully. cable dominated. but that is not to say the networks did not have worthy fare like 'the good wife', 'once upon a time' and 'revenge'.
'madmen' and 'american horror story' reigned supreme with the most noms followed by 'downton abbey'. i am thrilled with all the acting nods given to 'downton' especially michelle dockery. but there was not a single throw away in their acting noms so bravo to them all. but where is dan crawley?
the best actress drama category is the most competitive. michelle, julianna magulies and claire danes with kathy bates along for the ride. they are all deserving. i love julianna but she won last year. i want michelle to win. claire will get it.
drama series is a damn good list too. i want 'downton' but my second choice 'homeland' has the edge. we'll see. i am so over 'madmen'. i just don't get the fawning. enough already. 'breaking bad' may be worthy but i gave up on it. enough of the cooking meth already. and don't get me started on the gratuitous violence. it was once brilliant. it is now formular. don't send hate mail. i don't read it.
josh charles ignored for 'the good wife'? yes he was. i am thrilled for jason ritter, jean smart, jessica lange, sarah paulson and connie britton. all worthy this year. most years actually.
but alas there was no love for 'renvenge' or 'once upon a time'.
but uma thurman? really???
if they are pictured above i am thrilled they got a nod. they can't all win but their contributions this year are undeniable and as we see respected.
'Evita' The New Cast Recording
the new cast recording was released a couple of weeks ago. i haven't seen the show but these vids have me intriqued. i had sworn off it after the disastrous showing on the last tony show. perhaps i can change my mind. fact: vocally patti lupone and mandy patinkin cannot be beat. visually madonna will not be beat. she in fact was born to play this role. she should play no other role...ever. this was a grand fluke for madonna. but i digress...
the new 'evita'
michael cerveris,
patti lupone,
ricky martin
Thursday, July 19, 2012
2012 Primetime Emmy Nominees
Outstanding Drama Series
"Broadwalk Empire"
"Breaking Bad"
"Downton Abbey"
"Game of Thrones"
"Mad Men"
Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Kathy Bates, "Harry's Law"
Glenn Close, "Damages"
Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Michelle Dockery, "Downton Abbey"
Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"
Elisabeth Moss, "Mad Men"
Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Hugh Bonneville,"Downton Abbey"
Steve Buscemi, "Boardwalk Empire"
Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Michael C. Hall, "Dexter"
Jon Hamm, "Mad Men"
Damian Lewis, "Homeland"
Outstanding Comedy Series
"The Big Bang Theory"
"Curb Your Enthusiasm"
"Modern Family"
"30 Rock"
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Lena Dunham, "Girls"
Edie Falco, "Nurse Jackie"
Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, "Veep"
Melissa McCarthy, "Mike & Molly"
Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
Don Cheadle, "House of Lies"
Louis C.K., "Louie"
Jon Cryer, "Two and a Half Men"
Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Jim Parsons, "The Big Bang Theory"
Outstanding Made for TV Movie/Miniseries
"American Horror Story"
"Game Change"
"Hatfields and McCoys"
"Hemingway and Gellhorn"
"Sherlock: Scandal in Belgravia"
Leading Actor in a Made for TV Movie/Miniseries
Woody Harrelson, "Game Change"
Clive Owen, "Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Benedict Cumberbatch, "Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia"
Idris Elba, "Luther"
Kevin Costner, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Bill Paxton, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Lead Actress in a Made for TV Movie/Miniseries
Julianne Moore, "Game Change"
Connie Britton, "American Horror Story"
Nicole Kidman, "Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Emma Thompson, "The Song of Lunch"
Ashley Judd, "Missing"
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program
"The Amazing Race"
"Dancing With the Stars"
"Project Runway"
"So You Think You Can Dance"
"Top Chef"
"The Voice"
Outstanding Host For A Reality Or Reality-Competition Program
Tom Bergeron, "Dancing With The Stars"
Cat Deeley, "So You Think You Can Dance"
Phil Keoghan, "The Amazing Race"
Ryan Seacrest, "American Idol"
Betty White, "Betty White's Off Their Rockers"
Outstanding Variety, Music, or Comedy Series
"The Colbert Report"
"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"
"Jimmy Kimmel Live!"
"Late Night with Jimmy Fallon"
"Real Time with Bill Maher"
"Saturday Night Live"
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Aaron Paul, "Breaking Bad"
Giancarlo Esposito, "Breaking Bad"
Brendan Coyle, "Downton Abbey"
Jim Carter, "Downton Abbey"
Jared Harris, "Mad Men"
Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Archie Panjabi, "The Good Wife"
Anna Gunn, "Breaking Bad"
Maggie Smith, "Downton Abbey"
Joanna Froggatt, "Downton Abbey"
Christina Hendricks, "Mad Men"
Christine Baranski, "The Good Wife"
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Ed O'Neill, "Modern Family"
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, "Modern Family"
Ty Burrell, "Modern Family"
Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Bill Hader, "Saturday Night Live"
Max Greenfield, "New Girl"
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Mayim Bialik, "The Big Bang Theory"
Merritt Wever, "Nurse Jackie"
Julie Bowen, "Modern Family"
Kristen Wiig, "Saturday Night Live"
Sofia Vergara, "Modern Family"
Kathryn Joosten, "Desperate Housewives"
Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie
Sarah Paulson, "Game Change"
Frances Conroy, "American Horror Story"
Jessica Lange, "American Horror Story"
Judy Davis, "Page Eight"
Mare Winningham, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie
Ed Harris, "Game Change"
Denis O'Hare, "American Horror Story"
David Strathairn, "Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Martin Freeman, "Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia"
Tom Berenger, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Dot-Marie Jones, "Glee"
Maya Rudolph, "Saturday Night Live"
Melissa McCarthy, "Saturday Night Live"
Elizabeth Banks, "30 Rock"
Margaret Cho, "30 Rock"
Kathy Bates, "Two and a Half Men"
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Michael J. Fox, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Greg Kinnear, "Modern Family"
Bobby Cannavale, "Nurse Jackie"
Jimmy Fallon, "Saturday Night Live"
Will Arnett, "30 Rock"
Jon Hamm, "30 Rock"
Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Martha Plimpton, "The Good Wife"
Loretta Devine, "Grey's Anatomy"
Jean Smart, "Harry's Law"
Julia Ormond, "Mad Men"
Joan Cusack, "Shameless"
Uma Thurman, "Smash"
Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Mark Margolis, "Breaking Bad"
Dylan Baker, "The Good Wife"
Michael J. Fox, "The Good Wife"
Jeremy Davies, "Justified"
Ben Feldman, "Mad Men"
Jason Ritter, "Parenthood"
"Broadwalk Empire"
"Breaking Bad"
"Downton Abbey"
"Game of Thrones"
"Mad Men"
Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Kathy Bates, "Harry's Law"
Glenn Close, "Damages"
Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Michelle Dockery, "Downton Abbey"
Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"
Elisabeth Moss, "Mad Men"
Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Hugh Bonneville,"Downton Abbey"
Steve Buscemi, "Boardwalk Empire"
Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Michael C. Hall, "Dexter"
Jon Hamm, "Mad Men"
Damian Lewis, "Homeland"
"The Big Bang Theory"
"Curb Your Enthusiasm"
"Modern Family"
"30 Rock"
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Lena Dunham, "Girls"
Edie Falco, "Nurse Jackie"
Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, "Veep"
Melissa McCarthy, "Mike & Molly"
Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
Don Cheadle, "House of Lies"
Louis C.K., "Louie"
Jon Cryer, "Two and a Half Men"
Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Jim Parsons, "The Big Bang Theory"
Outstanding Made for TV Movie/Miniseries
"American Horror Story"
"Game Change"
"Hatfields and McCoys"
"Hemingway and Gellhorn"
"Sherlock: Scandal in Belgravia"
Leading Actor in a Made for TV Movie/Miniseries
Woody Harrelson, "Game Change"
Clive Owen, "Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Benedict Cumberbatch, "Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia"
Idris Elba, "Luther"
Kevin Costner, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Bill Paxton, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Lead Actress in a Made for TV Movie/Miniseries
Julianne Moore, "Game Change"
Connie Britton, "American Horror Story"
Nicole Kidman, "Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Emma Thompson, "The Song of Lunch"
Ashley Judd, "Missing"
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program
"The Amazing Race"
"Dancing With the Stars"
"Project Runway"
"So You Think You Can Dance"
"Top Chef"
"The Voice"
Outstanding Host For A Reality Or Reality-Competition Program
Tom Bergeron, "Dancing With The Stars"
Cat Deeley, "So You Think You Can Dance"
Phil Keoghan, "The Amazing Race"
Ryan Seacrest, "American Idol"
Betty White, "Betty White's Off Their Rockers"
Outstanding Variety, Music, or Comedy Series
"The Colbert Report"
"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"
"Jimmy Kimmel Live!"
"Late Night with Jimmy Fallon"
"Real Time with Bill Maher"
"Saturday Night Live"
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Aaron Paul, "Breaking Bad"
Giancarlo Esposito, "Breaking Bad"
Brendan Coyle, "Downton Abbey"
Jim Carter, "Downton Abbey"
Jared Harris, "Mad Men"
Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Archie Panjabi, "The Good Wife"
Anna Gunn, "Breaking Bad"
Maggie Smith, "Downton Abbey"
Joanna Froggatt, "Downton Abbey"
Christina Hendricks, "Mad Men"
Christine Baranski, "The Good Wife"
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Ed O'Neill, "Modern Family"
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, "Modern Family"
Ty Burrell, "Modern Family"
Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Bill Hader, "Saturday Night Live"
Max Greenfield, "New Girl"
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Mayim Bialik, "The Big Bang Theory"
Merritt Wever, "Nurse Jackie"
Julie Bowen, "Modern Family"
Kristen Wiig, "Saturday Night Live"
Sofia Vergara, "Modern Family"
Kathryn Joosten, "Desperate Housewives"
Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie
Sarah Paulson, "Game Change"
Frances Conroy, "American Horror Story"
Jessica Lange, "American Horror Story"
Judy Davis, "Page Eight"
Mare Winningham, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie
Ed Harris, "Game Change"
Denis O'Hare, "American Horror Story"
David Strathairn, "Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Martin Freeman, "Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia"
Tom Berenger, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Dot-Marie Jones, "Glee"
Maya Rudolph, "Saturday Night Live"
Melissa McCarthy, "Saturday Night Live"
Elizabeth Banks, "30 Rock"
Margaret Cho, "30 Rock"
Kathy Bates, "Two and a Half Men"
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Michael J. Fox, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Greg Kinnear, "Modern Family"
Bobby Cannavale, "Nurse Jackie"
Jimmy Fallon, "Saturday Night Live"
Will Arnett, "30 Rock"
Jon Hamm, "30 Rock"
Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Martha Plimpton, "The Good Wife"
Loretta Devine, "Grey's Anatomy"
Jean Smart, "Harry's Law"
Julia Ormond, "Mad Men"
Joan Cusack, "Shameless"
Uma Thurman, "Smash"
Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Mark Margolis, "Breaking Bad"
Dylan Baker, "The Good Wife"
Michael J. Fox, "The Good Wife"
Jeremy Davies, "Justified"
Ben Feldman, "Mad Men"
Jason Ritter, "Parenthood"
Spring TV Season in Review Part 3: 'Royal Pains'

after a miserable season 3 'royal pains' is back with an improved season 4. sadly jill flint is no longer a hamptons resident. as much as i liked ms flint it is a wise decision. the on again/off again romance between her character and lead character hank was getting to be a chore for viewers. i hope she shows up again on 'the good wife' as kalind's on again/off again one or more night's stand.
season 4 gets a B for now. we'll see.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Nolan Delayed 'Dark Knight Rises' for Marion
It is possible Marion Cotillard could have been replaced as
a love interest for Christian Bale's Batman in the movie, "The Dark Knight Rises"
That's because she was due with her
first child, a son named Marcel, around the beginning of filming for
the third installment in the franchise.
Director Christopher Nolan tells the
August issue of Vogue
magazine he wanted to "figure it out."
Most of her scenes were pushed back a
month and Nolan made room on set for Cotillard's family.
Still, he marveled at the Academy
Award winner's ability to do her job so soon after giving birth, calling
it "amazing to see" and describing her as "Superwoman."
Nolan and Cotillard also worked
together on the 2010 film "Inception."
The August issue of Vogue magazine
hits stores July 24.
Spring TV Season in Review Part 2: 'Dallas' and 'The Newsroom'
what a surprise. i thought 'dallas' would be rehashed trash. i'd give it a shot or two and remove from my dvr. i could not wait for aaron sorkin's 'the newsroom' after all he gave us 'the west wing'. well after a few episodes each 'dallas' stays on my dvr and 'the newsroom is history.

'the newsroom' is just plain awful. deadly dull. a series that relies on old news stories to tell it's story. what the frack happened to aaron sorkin? he made politics relevant in 'the west wing' but makes them old hat in this new series. jeff daniels and sam waterston try hard in poorly written scripts. is emily mortimer and allison pill who really kill this show. two wacko female characters who can't act their way out of this mess. they suck! really they do.
i give this series an F and hope it is buried soon to put us out of our misery. oh no wait it has been renewed already oy.
on the other hand...i thought 'dallas' would be same old same old. a rehash of a hit that became painful in it's final days/seasons. WRONG! it lives. the next generation of ewings carry on a grand tradition of scheming and revenge. and jr ewing, bobby and sue ellen are all there to help them out with their less than stellar machinations. just one question. what the hell is up with larry hangman's eyebrows? another... how does linda gray stay so fabulous looking. i love her sue ellen and am thrilled she is back with a vengeance.
'dallas' gets a B+ which ain't to shabby.

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