Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jermaine Jackson

jermaine singing 'smile' at mj's memorial:

jermaine dueted on one of my favorite dance songs with the otherwise ridiculous pia zadora.
i still like this song and jermaine but am i glad ms. zadora disappeared from sight soon after it's release.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Keith, Dave and Richard*

*and the 'queen moron of wasilla' makes yet another comedic reappearance. keep it coming sarah cause we all need some laughs!

Barbra Streisand

i really am soooooo over streisand. however, that being said i happen to like this song from the upcoming film 'nine'.
she does it justice but comes nowhere near shelley birch in the original broadway recording.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Donny I Agree


i'm one of those who believe michael jackson was given too much air time after his death. untimely death? i think not. we all die a little death everyday. michael just pushed his along as so many celebrities before him have done. as a white guy i have heard it insinuated that my opposition to this prolonged memorial, of almost a week in length , makes me a bigot. i take great exception to this. i am far from a bigot. i just don't believe in canonization especially of a man whose past is to say the least pretty shady. otherwise he was an entertainer. period. he in no way deserves the idolatry respected broadcasts and broadcasters bestowed on him. damn we don't even mention the dead and dying in two wars america is involved in at all. does mr. jackson deserve more than these men and women? you are on your own here. an entertainerthat's all he was! and as i write this i question why i am giving this so much time and space. i suppose i got caught up in watching that accident on the highway. it's horrific but you can't take your eyes off of it. shame on us. greater shame on me.

today's memorial which was dignified and probably deserved would have been plenty. but for msnbc and other cable news outlets to devote the time he got in his death was absurd. i mean he made music. that's all! well that's not all but i will refrain.

there were highlights today: germaine jackson singing 'smile' brought a tear or two to my eyes while jennifer hudson thrilled as her voice soared...

the most touching moments for me were when his daughter paris spoke of her love for her father and brooke shields touching and often funny memories. paris jackson gave me pause because she reminded me that he was for her just a dad. that is good enough for today.

michael i hope you have more peace in death than you had in life no matter what race you turn out to be.

sadly this is what he selfishly, yes selfishly, leaves behind. you don't have three kids and abuse drugs and probably more the way he did. selfish! and dumb...just plain dumb. i best stop now because i'm getting angry and it just ain't worth it.

'Ain't It Funny'

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Message from Mr. President

'America the Beautiful'

the title does not always reflect my feelings but barbra does it beautifully.

Hilary Duff Joining 'Gossip Girl'

i really happen to like hilary. i think she's a pretty good actress and has stayed away from the idiot behavior of most of her piers.
good for her.

Happy 4th

i'm not really patriotic but this seems appropriate for today

Friday, July 3, 2009

What Is This Incoherent Douche Bag Talking About?

Maybe there is a god!!!

After Sarah Palin's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week she has announced she will be stepping down in a few weeks. In a press conference call this morning, Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin has announced she will not run for re-election and is stepping down as governor.

She had a brief statement. She took no questions.

Her commissioners and Lt. Governor were with her at her home. Palin did not relinquished the reigns of the state to the Lt. Governor while running for vice president.

Lt. Governor Sean Parnell will step in to the roll as governor at the end of the month. He was defeated by Congressman Don Young in the Republican primary last year.

Rumors of an "iceberg scandal" have been circulating.

Resignation is certainly out of character for Sarah Palin.

You betcha!

Farewell to the PIG with Lipstick: Stupid Bitch

TEN Best Film Nominees? OY!

Just how long will the next broadcast be?
Maybe just maybe they can start on Saturday night and hope to finish on time Sunday night.
So now five more films can added to the oft unworthy 'Frost/Nixon.
Now five more films can advertise 'Best Film Nominee' and we can all rush to possibly see five crappy movies.
Will there be five more acting nominees in each category in time? Maybe then we can have 'Oscar Week'.

Hey i personally love the Oscars but this is a joke. Fix the show! Fix the nomination process! For gods-sake don't make fools out of us. This is a money decision not an artistic one.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hargitay, Meloni signed for `Law & Order: SVU'

i had no doubt. it would not have been 'svu' without them!

NEW YORK — Rest easy, fans of "Law & Order: SVU." Stars Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni have signed contracts for another season.

That was in some doubt, with fans of the show wondering whether the actors might be replaced after their two-year contracts expired. NBC renewed the drama, its most popular scripted series, without knowing for sure whether they would be back.

Pam Golum , a spokeswoman for producer Dick Wolf, says the two stars will be back at work next week, when the show begins filming its new season.

Christine Lahti will also be joining the show for the first four episodes of next season.

'I Drove All Night'

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Meryl Sings

before 'mamma mia' meryl did sing a bit in 'death becomes her' and 'postcards from the edge'.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

'Where You Are' with Chita Rivera

chita won her second tony award for 'kiss of the spider woman'.

one version from the tony awards and one from the kennedy center.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Frances Ruffelle: Les Miserables' 'On My Own'

one of the best performances on broadway was ms. ruffelle in 'lez miserables'.
since i can't find a clip from the show this is the next beat thing though not as impressive or powerful.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Love Bebe and 'All that Jazz' 'Nowadays' and Everyday.

at the 51st tony awards and bebe won beat actress in a musical:

someone got this in the theatre. i'd guess a rehearsal.

and what's better than a rousing end to a rousing show? bebe and karen ziemba doing the finale of 'chicago' at 'my favorite broadway: the leading ladies'. 'nowadays' and ' hot honey rag':

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Pastor's Ass

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and
it won.

The pastor was so pleased with the donkey
that he entered it in the
race again,

and it won again.

The local paper read:


The Bishop was so upset with this kind of
publicity that he ordered the pastor
not to enter the donkey in another race.

The next day, the local paper headline


This was too much for the bishop, so he
ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.

The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a
nearby convent.

The local paper, hearing of the news, posted
the following headline the next day:


The bishop fainted.

He informed the nun that she would have to
get rid of the donkey, she sold it to a farmer for $10.
The next day the paper read:


This was too much for the bishop, so he
ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and
lead it to the plains where it could run wild.

The next day the headlines read:


The bishop was buried the next day.

The moral of the story is . .. .
Being concerned about public opinion can bring
you much grief and misery . . Even shorten your life.

So be yourself and enjoy life.

Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and
You'll be a lot happier and live longer!

Selling a Home

Gwen Stefani with No Doubt: 'It's My Life'

two concert versions of a favorite song:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

'I Have Something to Tell You'

'True Blood' Will Be Drawn Again Tonight!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Music Is the Life Force of the Soul

i love music. it is the first thing i truly remember. as a kid all i wanted was music...records. hey, remember when we called them that?
i have spent a lot of time on film here because i love film and movies....but music is in me. in my head, my heart and in my soul.

so starting here, starting now...josh's summer music fest .
prior to today was a preview.
i love a lot of music.
a lot of genres of music.
i shall share many...(if i like 'em) Ha!
be not too hard....

haha...speaking of which...the first is joan baez from a concert ...
this video has the audio only.
i absolutely love this song and it's message.
so again i need to ask you to 'be not too hard'.
dear friends...Miss Joan Baez..."BE NOT TOO HARD"

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank You Keith for Taking Down This Moron

The Worst Person in the World


Back in April, there was a huge fuss over an internal report by the Department of Homeland Security warning that current conditions resemble those in the early 1990s — a time marked by an upsurge of right-wing extremism that culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Conservatives were outraged. The chairman of the Republican National Committee denounced the report as an attempt to “segment out conservatives in this country who have a different philosophy or view from this administration” and label them as terrorists.

But with the murder of Dr. George Tiller by an anti-abortion fanatic, closely followed by a shooting by a white supremacist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the analysis looks prescient.

There is, however, one important thing that the D.H.S. report didn’t say: Today, as in the early years of the Clinton administration but to an even greater extent, right-wing extremism is being systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment.

Now, for the most part, the likes of Fox News and the R.N.C. haven’t directly incited violence, despite Bill O’Reilly’s declarations that “some” called Dr. Tiller “Tiller the Baby Killer,” that he had “blood on his hands,” and that he was a “guy operating a death mill.” But they have gone out of their way to provide a platform for conspiracy theories and apocalyptic rhetoric, just as they did the last time a Democrat held the White House.

And at this point, whatever dividing line there was between mainstream conservatism and the black-helicopter crowd seems to have been virtually erased.

Exhibit A for the mainstreaming of right-wing extremism is Fox News’s new star, Glenn Beck. Here we have a network where, like it or not, millions of Americans get their news — and it gives daily airtime to a commentator who, among other things, warned viewers that the Federal Emergency Management Agency might be building concentration camps as part of the Obama administration’s “totalitarian” agenda (although he eventually conceded that nothing of the kind was happening).

But let’s not neglect the print news media. In the Bush years, The Washington Times became an important media player because it was widely regarded as the Bush administration’s house organ. Earlier this week, the newspaper saw fit to run an opinion piece declaring that President Obama “not only identifies with Muslims, but actually may still be one himself,” and that in any case he has “aligned himself” with the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

And then there’s Rush Limbaugh. His rants today aren’t very different from his rants in 1993. But he occupies a different position in the scheme of things. Remember, during the Bush years Mr. Limbaugh became very much a political insider. Indeed, according to a recent Gallup survey, 10 percent of Republicans now consider him the “main person who speaks for the Republican Party today,” putting him in a three-way tie with Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich. So when Mr. Limbaugh peddles conspiracy theories — suggesting, for example, that fears over swine flu were being hyped “to get people to respond to government orders” — that’s a case of the conservative media establishment joining hands with the lunatic fringe.

It’s not surprising, then, that politicians are doing the same thing. The R.N.C. says that “the Democratic Party is dedicated to restructuring American society along socialist ideals.” And when Jon Voight, the actor, told the audience at a Republican fund-raiser this week that the president is a “false prophet” and that “we and we alone are the right frame of mind to free this nation from this Obama oppression,” Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, thanked him, saying that he “really enjoyed” the remarks.

Credit where credit is due. Some figures in the conservative media have refused to go along with the big hate — people like Fox’s Shepard Smith and Catherine Herridge, who debunked the attacks on that Homeland Security report two months ago. But this doesn’t change the broad picture, which is that supposedly respectable news organizations and political figures are giving aid and comfort to dangerous extremism.

What will the consequences be? Nobody knows, of course, although the analysts at Homeland Security fretted that things may turn out even worse than in the 1990s — that thanks, in part, to the election of an African-American president, “the threat posed by lone wolves and small terrorist cells is more pronounced than in past years.”

And that’s a threat to take seriously. Yes, the worst terrorist attack in our history was perpetrated by a foreign conspiracy. But the second worst, the Oklahoma City bombing, was perpetrated by an all-American lunatic. Politicians and media organizations wind up such people at their, and our, peril.

Paul Krugman
The New York Times

Shout Her the F**F Up!!!

Also an Idiot

Vanessa Williams: 'Betcha Never'

Why? Because I like it!

Baba Wawa

The Politics of Hate Abounds on the Right!!!

thank you fox news. thanks to all your pig anchors...hannity, o'reilly, van sustren, shepard smith etc.

thanks for inciting the most malicious attacks on humanity with your hate speech and and venomous attacks on our president.
thanks for making hate a virtue the right can be proud of.

thanks for calling for the death to those you oppose.

thank you oxi man limbaugh for your lies and moving your radical right hateward.

oh yes and thank you sara lipstick for never calling a halt at your campaign rallies to those chanting kill Obama.

you are all equally guilty for the deaths of dr. tiller and for the shooting and death at the Holocaust museum.

oh but your are the real americans. in truth you are the real scum of the earth.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

i bet this asshole voted for mccain/palin

WASHINGTON — An 88-year-old white supremacist was charged with murder Thursday, a day after he left a signed anti-Semitic screed in his car outside the U.S. Holocaust Memorial and Museum, then gunned down a security guard who opened the door to let him in, officials said.

Guard Stephen T. Johns was shot to death Wednesday by Holocaust denier James von Brunn, who left his car outside an entrance to the museum and walked in holding a rifle at his side, District Police Chief Cathy Lanier said at a news conference.

Von Brunn started shooting immediately, exchanging fire with two other guards who shot and critically injured him, Lanier said.

In his car, officers found a notebook with a handwritten note that read, "You want my weapons _ this is how you'll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews," according to a court affidavit.

Von Brunn's .22-caliber rifle held 10 more bullets and investigators found more in his car and at an apartment in Annapolis, Md., that he shared with son and his son's fiancee. Security guards fired at von Brunn at least eight times, hitting him in the face.

The museum remained closed Thursday and flags flew at half-staff in honor of Johns, 39, who had worked at the museum for six years. Bouquets of roses, lilies and other flowers were left outside the museum walls. The entrance where the shooting occurred was still cordoned off by police tape.

Von Brunn, who tried to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve decades ago, remained in critical condition Thursday at a Washington hospital. A self-described artist, advertising man and author, he wrote an anti-Semitic treatise, "Kill the Best Gentiles," decried "the browning of America" and claimed to expose a Jewish conspiracy "to destroy the White gene-pool." He also wrote of a lifetime of seething anger.

"It's better to be strong than right," he said in one of his dark online postings, "unless you like dying. Crowds hate good guys."

'Designing Women' Season One on DVD Finally!!!

Just some funny moments from a funny series finally available on DVD.

Julia is feed up with jury duty:

Julia is pissed!:

The night the lights went out in Georgia:

Crazy people in the south:

Julia's Runway debut:

Suzanne drinks Charlene's expressed milk:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Holocaust Museum Shooting In Washington D.C.

He hated jews, catholics and blacks.
he's a kkk member.

10 to 1 he's a reborn christian.
20 to 1 he's a registered republican.

prove me wrong!

More with Emily Latella

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In Memorium: The Tony Awards 2009

Tony Award Recap 2009

First things first: Congratulations to Neil Patrick Harris for being a grand and grandly brilliant openly gay emcee!!!

A grand opening with the exception of the god awful 'Rock of Ages'.

A brilliant finale by the afore mentioned Neil Patrick Harris.

A finale that needed to be written and/or refined as the awards were announced. I can't believe the envelopes were opened prior to the announcements. Therefore the updates were remarkable!


Is anyone in the world able to get Liza off a stage. Damn bring back the hook.

When did Anne Hathaway become her own personal STD spreading herself around? Someone must find a cure to get rid of her once and for all. She's is the biggest reason to bring back the hook! Is there no award show that is free of this woman's presence? Damn but she's everywhere How does this horror knows when the camera is on her? Who the hell is she 'doing'?

Does Dolly Parton have to hog EVERYTHING? Could she not find it in her still amble bosom to let her cast do their own thing?

And yes the Shrek thing and James Gandolfini could be twins separated at birth.

And there were highlights in the awards ceremony:
1. The three 'Billy Elliot's' sharing the Tony for Best Actor in a Musical
2. The brilliant Alice Ripley for the Best Female Performance in a musical. FINALLY!!!
3. The ever wonderful Angela Lansbury winning her 5th Tony.
4. The gifted and always amazing Marcia Gay Harden winning Best Actress in a Drama.
5. Best Director Stephen Daltry who also directed Kate Winslet to her Oscar win this year. He certainly has had a very great year.
6. Kristen, Audra and Bebe just being there is always something to cheer about!!
7. Who is Aaron Tviet in 'Next to Normal' and when is he coming for a visit? I believe I am now officially dubbed a dirty old man.
8. Matt Cavenaugh in 'West Side Story' may finally be the Tony worth fighting a racial turf war over. When is he coming to visit. And when did he steal Mandy Patinkin's Jewish accent as well as mine? No problem as he is just bringing it closer to the original concept.
9. Does everyone who plays Anita (Karen Olivio) in 'West Side Story' have to win an award?
10. Haven't producers learned that unless 'America' is the selling point the best revival will not be be 'West Side Story'.
11. Has 'Hair' proven it is the most innovative musical of ALL time?

and lastly:
How much of Jane Fonda is still human and how much is bionic?

the opening:

the finale:

'next to normal'

'billy elliot' winners. do they 'get it" that they were given the award by the brilliantly divine audra mcdonald? one day maybe.


(i beg you forgive the intrusion of the horrific hathaway)

(click speaker for music):

so all being said and done i bought the cast albums of 'next to normal' and the cast recording of the revival of 'west side story' today. Tony you have done your job well.